Fact Check: Can aloe vera gel and baking soda erase stretch marks completely?

Stretch marks fade over time. Don't fall for social media diy's.

By Sunanda Naik
Published on : 15 Aug 2023 6:36 PM IST

Fact Check: Can aloe vera gel and baking soda erase stretch marks completely?

Hyderabad: Several social media users are sharing a viral post that claims that ā€˜two effective remediesā€™ for removing stretch marks are a lemon juice-baking soda combo and aloe gel.

The caption to the viral post reads, ā€œThis is a very unusual remedy for stretch marks. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with the juice of 1 lemon in a small bowl. Apply it on the affected areas and wrap it with a plastic bag. Keep it this way for half an hour and then wash it off with normal water. You can notice the slight minimisation after the first attempt itself. Continue doing it for a few days and get a skin san stretch marks. You need to adopt this remedy once a day for initial two weeks and later on alternate days. (sic)ā€

It further adds, ā€œAloe Vera is a very beneficial ingredient in case of any kind of skin ailment. You need to take a fresh stem of aloe Vera and squeeze it to get out the gel from it. Apply the gel on the affected area and keep it intact for 20 minutes. (sic)ā€

The viral post claims that using the gel twice a day for a minimum of 1 to 2 months may reduce stretchmarks. It advises people to use the mixture till stretch marks disappear.

Fact Check

NewsMeter found that the claim is false.

What is a stretch mark?

In simple words, a stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when the skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin, which support the skin, to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks may appear.

Moreover, it also depends on genetics and the degree of stress on the skin. The levels of the hormone cortisol also might play a role. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It weakens elastic fibres in the skin.

Is it safe to apply baking soda frequently on skin?

According to Healthline, ā€œBaking soda is an alkaline chemical compound. Because itā€™s alkaline, baking soda can alter the natural pH of the skin. Any substance with a pH below 7 is acidic, and any substance with a pH above 7 is alkaline. Skin is meant to be slightly acidic, with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5, but baking soda has a pH of 9. Increasing the pH of your skin can lead to dryness, irritation, and other side effects.ā€

Does aloe vera gel help get rid of stretch marks?

According to a study, aloe vera accelerates wound healing by promoting the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and by protecting keratinocytes from preservative-induced death. This means that aloe vera is indeed good for the skin and might help reduce stretch marks.

Can stretch marks be removed completely?

According to Medical News Today, ā€œDespite the claims on the bottle, no over-the-counter cream or oil has been proven to help prevent or treat stretch marks. Stretch marks occur in the deep dermal layer of the skin, where moisturisers and creams cannot reach.ā€ It further adds, ā€œNo treatment has been shown to erase them fully.ā€

Claim Review:Aloevera gel and baking soda remove stretch marks completely.
Claimed By:Social media user
Claim Reviewed By:NewsMeter
Claim Source:Facebook
Claim Fact Check:False
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