FACT CHECK: Has Taliban banned sanitary napkins in Afghanistan?

A purported news report by CNN on the Taliban banning sanitary napkins in Afghanistan is viral on social media.

By Newsmeter Network
Published on : 16 Sept 2021 2:00 PM IST

FACT CHECK: Has Taliban banned sanitary napkins in Afghanistan?

HYDERABAD: A purported news report by CNN on the Taliban banning sanitary napkins in Afghanistan is viral on social media.

"Taliban bans sanitory napkins in Afghanistan, says it's not a Sharia complaint practice, (sic)" is circulating on social media.

Click here to view a few posts.


The screenshot is morphed and no such ban has been reported yet.

Firstly, NewsMeter noticed several spelling errors in the viral screenshot which hints at a possibility that the screenshot is fake. The word "sanitary" has been misspelled as "sanitory" and "complaint" has been misspelled as "compliant".

Secondly, a comparison between the official CNN website and the viral screenshot shows that the layouts are different. The dateline and author-by-line are missing in the viral screenshot, plus the CNN logo is upside down. This clearly shows that the screenshot is not genuine. Thirdly, the picture of the woman in the viral image has been carried by several websites over the years as a representative image. (Click here and here to view)

Moreover, NewsMeter checked the CNN website and other credible media organizations but found no reports on the Taliban banning the use of sanitary napkins in Afghanistan (at the time of writing this article). Evidently, the screenshot is morphed and no such ban has been made yet.

Claim Review:CNN reports on Taliban banning sanitary pads in Afghanistan
Claimed By:Social Media Users
Claim Reviewed By:Newsmeter
Claim Source:Social Media
Claim Fact Check:False
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