Hyderabad man with 115 unpaid challans caught by Abids traffic police

Social media users claim that a Hyderabad man was caught by Abids traffic police during a vehicle inspection for having 117 unpaid challans.

By Newsmeter Network  Published on  17 Nov 2021 11:31 AM IST
Hyderabad man with 115 unpaid challans caught by Abids traffic police

HYDERABAD: Social media users claim that a Hyderabad man was caught by Abids traffic police during a vehicle inspection for having 117 unpaid challans.

Netizens are sharing an image of a Honda Active with the text embedded that reads, "Active 117 Challans. Heavy amount pending."

The image is viral on WhatsApp.

NewsMeter received a request to fact-check the claim.


The case is true.

NewsMeter contacted the Chief Inspector of Abids traffic police department and received confirmation of the incident. It is true that a man was found of having several unpaid challans against his Honda Activa. However, the number of challans pending is 115 challans (not 117 as claimed by social media users and a few media organizations)

The man who is identified as Mohammad Fareed Khan was caught during a vehicle inspection by the Abids traffic police while he was passing the Hyderabad collectorate. He was issued a bill of 115 challans pending with a due amount of Rs 29, 720.

Police have seized the bike and told Fareed Khan that he would be able to take his bike after paying the pending challan.

NewsMeter was able to procure a video that shows the challan being issued to Farid Khan. The bill clearly shows 115 pending challans against the man with a fee of Rs 29, 720.

The fact check team also checked the Telangana E-Challan website and found that currently, Fareed Khan owes Rs 19, 620. He cleared Rs 10,000 the day he was caught.

Furthermore, NewsMeter noticed the logo of the news channel "V6 News" in the viral image and found the same incident being reported.

With this, it is clear that the case of a man being caught for having several unpaid challans is true. Although the number of challans was slightly incorrect. This incident did take place.

Claim Review:Man caught by Abids police for having several unpaid challans
Claimed By:Social Media Users
Claim Reviewed By:Newsmeter
Claim Source:Social Media
Claim Fact Check:True
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