ACT Fibernet fined Rs 10k for not installing connection, causing mental agony to customer
The complainant applied for internet connection by paying an amount of Rs.4220 through a cheque drawn in April 2018 to ACT Fibernet. However, neither installed internet nor returned the money.
By Sumit Jha Published on 8 Feb 2021 1:33 PM IST
Hyderabad: Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission has directed the ACT Fibernet to pay Rs. 10,000 as compensation to a customer for not installing the connection even after making the payment.
Complainant Mukesh Sanghi, a resident of Shivarampally, applied for internet connection by paying an amount of Rs.4220 through a cheque drawn in April 2018 to ACT Fibernet. However, neither installed internet nor returned the money.
The complainant alleged that the ACT Fibernet has encashed the cheque three days after payment but failed to install the internet connection.
He issued a legal notice in June 2018 but to no avail. He filed the complaint in consumer redressal commission against Fibernet for deficiency of service and breach of trust, and sought appropriate relief.
ACT Fibernet however contended that the internet connection could not be provided to the complainant due to technical non-feasibility and that they refunded the amount of Rs.4220 through a demand draft along with the reply to the legal notice.
After examining the documents and evidence, the commission said: "The fact that the ACT Fibernet has not ascertained the technical feasibility of internet connection before realization of payment from the complainant and encashing it and that the information raising such objection of technical non-feasibility and consequent disconnection shows a lack of bonafide and deficiency of service."
The commission noted as the complainant is deprived of services even after payment of subscription amount, the opposite party has not addressed his complaint. "Subsequent permanent disconnection on the grounds of technical non-feasibility after three months of subscription application fee is clearly not in good faith and shows the deficiency of service on the part of the opposite party," it said.
The commission said ACT Fibernet is severally liable to refund the subscription amount of Rs.4220. The commission also asked the company to pay Rs.10,000 towards compensation for the tension and mental agony caused to the complainant in pursuing the litigation.