COVID patients with insurance cover are exempted from Govt fixed cap on Pvt hospitals

By Newsmeter Network  Published on  26 July 2020 8:17 PM IST
COVID patients with insurance cover are exempted from Govt fixed cap on Pvt hospitals

Hyderabad: Corona-virus infected patients having a health insurance cover or MoU with hospitals are exempted from the government fixed cap on private hospitals treating COVID patients, The Telangana health department authorities said.

Following series of complaints and High Court's intervention, the Telangana government fixed a ceiling on the rates chargeable by private hospitals and private laboratories in the course of testing for COVID-19 and treatment of positive patients. A G.O was released which clearly mentions the applicable rates per day for the treatment packages provided by the facility such as regular beds, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) without ventilation and ICU with ventilation. The items that are included as well as excluded in the package are explicitly line listed in the said G.O(Government order).

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But, The government on 26th July has made it clear that individual having health insurance cover, sponsor group, corporate entities and Telangana Government staff does not fall under this order. The government rates will be not applicable for these patients.

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"Rates are not applicable to the patients subscribing insurance schemes as well as patients being treated under various agreements/MOUs entered into the hospitals and different sponsored groups or corporate

entities.Copies of the said GOs are enclosed" the government said.

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