Bowenpally cops arrest man for stealing Rs 5 lakh, blaming police in fake robbery

The false complaint was made by one Arun Kumar Bahera

By Newsmeter Network
Published on : 25 March 2025 8:14 PM IST

Bowenpally cops arrest man for stealing Rs 5 lakh, blaming police in fake robbery

Representational Image

Hyderabad: The Bowenpally Police have found that a police complaint made regarding a police official committing a robbery is fake.

The person who filed the complaint stole the Rs 5 lakh given to him by his boss and blamed it on a fake robbery. The person and his associate have been arrested. The cash has been recovered.

Case details

The false complaint was made by one Arun Kumar Bahera. On March 22, Arun filed a complaint alleging that two police officersā€”one in uniform and one in plain clothesā€”had stopped him around 9:35 pm at the Congress Gandhian Ideology Centre while he was on his way to hand over a bag containing Rs 5 lakhs in cash to his assistant branch manager, following instructions from his branch manager.

According to the complainant, the police allegedly checked his RC and the contents of the bag, took the cash and fled the spot. The case was promptly registered at the Bowenpally Police Station.

However, upon thorough investigation and consistent examination of the complainantā€™s statements, the police grew suspicious of Arun Kumar Baheraā€™s inconsistent replies.

During a detailed interrogation, the complainant eventually admitted to fabricating the entire story. He confessed that he, along with his associate Samarendra Dass (A2), had hatched a plan to steal the money and falsely accuse the police of taking it during a check.

Further investigation led the police to recover the full amount of Rs 5 lakh from the residence of A2.

This significant breakthrough was made possible through the diligent efforts and meticulous interrogation techniques of the Bowenpally Police team.

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