Hyderabad: Youth poses as woman on Snapchat, cheats man of Rs 14 lakhs; held

Ashok Reddy manipulated the victim posing as a woman and extorted money Rs 14 lakhs under the guise of urgent needs

By Sistla Dakshina Murthy  Published on  24 May 2024 11:41 AM GMT
Hyderabad: Youth poses as woman on Snapchat, cheats man of Rs 14 lakhs; held

Hyderabad: The Cyberabad Cyber Crime Police on Friday arrested 23-year-old Maram Ashok Reddy for alleged matrimonial fraud and for extorting money from people by posing as a woman on social media. The police seized a mobile phone and SIM cards from the accused.

Case details

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) K Narasimha said that the fraudster created a user ID using a woman profile with the name ‘Praneetha_redd’ on the Snapchat app and sent a request to the victim. Ashok Reddy manipulated the victim posing as a woman and extorted money Rs 14 lakhs under the guise of urgent needs. Based on the facts a complaint was registered by the police and the issue was investigated, he said.

Modus operandi

The DCP said that the fraudster proficiently created a fake user profile on Snapchat in the name of Praneetha Reddy. When requests were sent by the victim, the accused approached the victim as a girl and initiated a virtual relationship through chat. He then deceived the victim under the pretext of friendship, love and later marriage and gained the trust of the victim by sending personal photos. Fraudsters exploit this trust to fabricate urgent needs, starting a business and ensnaring the victim in a web of deceit until the heartbreaking realisation of being deceived by the fraudster. The accused lured the victims and used the amount to play the different online games.

The gaming/betting applications that the accused used to spend the money are:

  • Silverbet777.com
  • 99 Exch.com
  • Teen Pathi Gold
  • 1 X Bet
  • Bet Winner
  • Dash Rummy
  • Melbet

Narasimha said that the accused was booked under sections 419, 420, 506 IPC and Sec 66 (C&D) of IT Act of Cyber Crime PS, Cyberabad, Sec 420 IPC and Sec 66 D of IT Act of Cyber Crime PS, Cyberabad and Sec 420, Sec 66-D of IT Act of Cyber Crime PS, Cyberabad. Cyberabad Commissioner of Police Avinash Mohanty appreciated the officers who are involved in identifying and arresting the most wanted and notorious cybercrime offender.

Public advisory

In view of the above circumstances, the citizens are advised:

- Exercise caution when engaging in online matrimonial alliances. Always verify the authenticity of online profiles and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately through the toll-free number 1930 and lodge a complaint in the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) immediately.

- Watch out for suspicious behaviour such as professing love too quickly, refusing to meet in person or via video chat, or constantly asking for money.

- If you suspect someone is a scammer, research their name, photos, and any other details they’ve provided. Scammers often use fake identities, and a quick search can reveal inconsistencies.

- If you encounter a potential scammer, report them to the dating platform and relevant authorities. This helps protect others from falling victim to the same scam.

- Stay informed about the latest scams and techniques used by fraudsters. Awareness is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself.

- If you’ve been a victim of a matrimonial scam, don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professional counsellors. It’s important to address any emotional or financial repercussions.

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