Dust to Orthodox: Here are some tea varieties that created flutter at CTTA expo

The auction in total witnessed 137 buyers for CTC, 126 for orthodox, 50 for Darjeeling leaf, and 63 for dust tea, respectively

By Nikisha Uddagiri  Published on  21 Jun 2023 5:30 AM GMT
Dust to Orthodox: Here are some tea varieties that created flutter at CTTA expo

Hyderabad: Do you know that the demand for all categories of tea has witnessed a significant rise during the recent Sale-24 conducted by the Calcutta Tea Traders' Association (CTTA)?

The auction, held from June 13 to June 15, showcased a remarkable increase in demand. There was a 17.8% increase compared to the previous week. Despite reduced offerings, Darjeeling tea particularly stood out with an improved demand.

Let's delve into the specifics of each tea category:

CTC Leaf: CTC leaf tea experienced strong demand, with a total of 1,532,140 kg sold at a higher average price of Rs 235.26 per kg compared to the previous week. Notably, 23.72% of the total demand fell below the Rs 150 per kg mark, while 45.73% commanded prices above Rs 250 per kg. Western India showed robust support, and Hindustan Unilever operated selectively. Exporters displayed interest in bolder broken and fannings, while TCPL remained focused on medium and plainer sorts. Other internal buyers also provided fair support.

Orthodox Tea: The demand for orthodox tea continued to thrive within a medium price range. A total of 1,281,399 kg of different qualities were sold at an average price of Rs 233.39 per kg. Interestingly, 10.6% of the total demand transpired below Rs 150 per kg, while 32.48% commanded higher prices. The medium variety accounted for approximately 56.92% of the demand. The Middle East displayed improved participation, and CIS actively supported the market.

Darjeeling Leaf: Darjeeling tea experienced an overall surge in demand. Approximately 38,918 kg of different qualities were sold at an average price of Rs 360.10 per kg. The demand distribution revealed that 25.32% fell within the above Rs 500 per kg bracket, while 26.07% was priced lower. Exporters played a limited role, and local dealers and other internal buyers remained selective.

Dust Tea: This week's dust tea offerings garnered a robust demand, with 542,456 kg of different qualities sold at an average price of Rs 238.90 per kg. Notably, 17.09% of the total demand was met at lower price levels, while 49.18% was observed above Rs 250 per kg. Western India primarily focused on better teas, and TCPL showed fair interest. Hindustan Unilever and South Indian Packeteers also offered strong support.

The auction in total witnessed 137 buyers for CTC, 126 for orthodox, 50 for Darjeeling leaf, and 63 for dust tea, respectively.

Inputs from PTI

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