Class 12 results: SC approves CBSE's evaluation criteria based on class X, XI, XII exams

The Board has said that class XII results will be announced by 31 July.

By Newsmeter Network
Published on : 17 Jun 2021 4:16 PM IST

Class 12 results: SC approves CBSEs evaluation criteria based on class X, XI, XII exams

Hyderabad: The Supreme Court on Thursday approved the Central Board of Secondary Education's (CBSE) evaluation criteria that will be used to assess the performance of class XII students. The Board has also said that class XII results will be announced by 31 July.

CBSE informed the Supreme Court that class XII students will be marked based on their performance in class X, XI, and XII exams. About 40% of the marks will be based on class XII pre-board exams and 60% weightage will be given to the students' performance in classes X and XI, the Board said.

The Bench of Justices A.M Khanwilkar and Dinesh Maheshwari was hearing the case on Thursday. While 30 per cent marks will be based on class XI final exams, 30 per cent marks will be based on best-of-three class X marks, the Board said. Practicals will be for a total of 100 marks and the students will be evaluated on the basis of the marks submitted by the schools, it added.

"If a student is unable to meet the qualifying criteria - now spread across three years of study - they will be placed in the "essential repeat" or "compartment" category. The students who are not satisfied can appear again when the CBSE conducts the class XII board exams," Attorney General K.K Venugopal told the Supreme Court.

For classes X and XI the marks in best of three from five papers in term examinations will be considered. For class XII, the marks obtained in unit and term exams and practicals will be taken into account.

A result committee will be formed in each school to rule out advantage to students in some schools, which traditionally give high marks to students, the AG said. He further said there will be a moderation committee to look into the difference in marking mechanism adopted by schools to put all students on even keel as far as awarding final marks for class XII is concerned.

Historical performance of a school in class XII board for last few years and the overall percentage of marks obtained by students in past years' board examinations will be taken into account for moderation purposes, the AG said.

The Bench further said there should be an inbuilt mechanism in the scheme to address the grievances of students about marks obtained after the declaration of results. The AG said he would consult the authorities.

The apex court said in principle it approves CBSE's decision to take into account the aggregate marks of classes X, XI, and XII with the specified weightages. It said, "We are rejecting all arguments for physical hearing. We record prima facie concurrence with CBSE decision on evaluation."

The court said there was no question of reviewing CBSE's decision to cancel the class XII examinations and added that if needed, there can be a physical examination for students who wish to improve their marks.

Most counsel appearing for students concurred with the CBSE evaluation scheme. CISCE counsel J.K Das informed the SC that it will take the performance of students in the last six years while awarding final marks in class XII board exams.

SC permitted CBSE and CISCE to go ahead with the finalization of schemes on evaluation criteria incorporating grievance redressal mechanisms for students about marks obtained by them and the time line for optional physical exam for improvement in marks after declaration of class XII results.

The court said the two boards can go ahead and notify the two evaluation schemes after incorporating the two suggestions of the court. It said it would hear the matter on 20 June again to find out whether any other suggestion could be placed before the CBSE for consideration.

SC also decided to hear petitions for cancellation of class XII state board examinations in Assam, Punjab, Tripura, and Andhra Pradesh. Of the 28 states, 18 have cancelled the board exams and six have already conducted the exams. The court asked petitioners to notify the states and fixed the hearing for 21 June.

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