Except for final semester, OU promotes regular students to next class
By Anusha Puppala Published on 3 Sept 2020 10:47 AM IST
Hyderabad: Except for the final semester, Osmania University (OU) has decided to promote students pursuing various programmes to the next class.
Standing Committee of the Academic Senate of Osmania University has decided to conduct the final semester and final year examinations of all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including backlogs.
"The Standing Committee has decided to promote all the regular students belonging to intermediate semester/years other than final semester year of the Academic year 2020-2021. However, these students have to clear all the examinations, including backlogs if examinations are conducted for the completion of the courseā said an official circular by Osmania University.
The students who are detained in the intermediate semesters/years during or prior to the academic year 2018-2019 for having more than a stipulated number of backlogs as per OU promotion rules shall also be promoted to the next higher semester/year subject to fulfilling the rules of re-admission. However, such students have to appear and clear the backlogs, whenever the examinations are held to finally complete the course.
The University authorities have directed all the principals to take the necessary action as per the Standing Committee resolutions and to make arrangements for online classes with effect from September 1, 2020.
The Standing Committee has taken the decisions based on certain guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) on the conduct of Examinations in view of COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. Earlier, the exams were postponed due to pandemic and lockdown.
Mr Venkatesh Sriram, Controller of Examinations at Osmania University said, "The University is promoting all the students to next higher class irrespective of number of backlog subjects as one measure due to COVID-19 pandemic. However, they have to write all the examinations once the situation becomes normal".