Fact Check: Beware! AI doctor claiming Ashwagandha oil can enlarge penis is hoax

No oil or enlargement supplement can help make your penis larger.

By Sunanda Naik  Published on  12 Jan 2024 12:05 PM IST
Fact Check: Beware! AI doctor claiming Ashwagandha oil can enlarge penis is hoax
Hyderabad: An AI-generated video depicting a doctor has gone viral on social media claiming unproven benefits of massaging ashwagandha oil for penile health.

Penis enlargement products are most advertised with unproven and unscientific promises. These claims are not only unproven but can be harmful. The ads promote fake products that show unrealistic body measures. Teenagers in the adolescence phase feel insecure about the size of their penis and fall prey to such marketing strategies

Ashwagandha oil is believed to be used for a range of therapeutic and aromatic benefits. This oil is known to have benefits such as reducing stress, calming anxiety, improving skin quality, and helping ease joint pains. In this article, we will discuss if the oil also helps with penis enlargement.

Fact Check

NewsMeter found the claim to be false.

Ashwagandha is majorly known as Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that is commonly found in India, the Middle East, and parts of North Africa.

Amongst several claims that offer penile growth, ashwagandha oil is claimed to have benefits such as improved penile health, elimination of erectile dysfunction, and penis enlargement. According to Edclinics, several men in India, use ashwagandha as a low-cost alternative drug for erectile dysfunction medicines such as Viagra.

In 2002, a study was conducted to observe the impact of daily oral intake of ashwagandha supplements on male rats for a week. Researchers found that male rats with impaired libido, sexual performance, sexual vigor, and penile erectile dysfunction showed negative results when given Ashwagandha supplements orally. The study also found that these anti-masculine effects are not due to changes in test levels or toxicity but may be attributed to the hyperprolactinemic and sedative activities of the extract. Hence, the study concluded that Ashwagandha root extracts may prove detrimental to male sexual competence.

Men tend to fall for unproven techniques to attain their desirable penile sizes such as vacuum penis pumps, Penis weights, Penis stretching exercises called jelqing, supplements, and over-the-counter creams. None of these works.

Surgery is the only way to attain modest results but due to the high risk of infections and scarring, doctors usually do not advise surgery if it is for cosmetic reasons. Penile surgery may help a person with a condition known as micropenis (less than 7.5cm). However, it can be risky and may cause erectile dysfunction.

Urology Care Foundation has clearly stated that the creams, oils, and stretches are ineffective.

According to Mayo Clinic, ā€˜there's little scientific support for nonsurgical methods to enlarge the penisā€™.

It further warns, ā€˜Most of the techniques you see advertised don't work. And some can damage your penis. Think twice before trying any of them.ā€™

According to Healthline, no oil will make your penis larger. Currently, no research supports the idea that oils or supplements have an enlarging effect on your penis. Some studies suggest that these oils can help improve sexual experience enhancing the sense of relaxation and will be but the possibility of increasing the penal size is zero.

It should be noted that dietary and herbal supplements arenā€™t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This means that manufacturers are largely free to claim whatever they want about their ingredients and supposed benefits.

Moreover, using such unregulated oils may cause severe side effects such as

ā€¢ skin irritation

ā€¢ rash or bumps

ā€¢ fluid-filled blisters

ā€¢ itching or burning at the application site

We further reached out to our expert Dr. Vinod Raina, MD Physician and Sexologist to debunk the claim.

Calling the claim, an absolute myth! Dr. Raina said, ā€˜penis enlargement using ashwagandha oil is impossible. You can see the minor difference in its appearance if you are someone who lost weight as the fat deposited around the penis would decrease and make it appear longer but as far as the oil is concerned, they donā€™t work.'

'There are surgeries that you can opt for if your health practitioner suggests but surgeries can create complications in the future. Using an oil on any organ is not going to make it grow. It is advised not to get disappointed seeing these advertisements that promise penis growth as they are merely marketing gimmicks and no trusted medical organization endorses any such oils, pills, or equipment', Dr. Raina added.

If you find yourself in any kind of confusion, visit your medical professional without any hesitation. The doctor can help you with proper methods with all safety measures.

Claim Review:Ashwagandha oil can help enlarge penis.
Claimed By:Social media user
Claim Reviewed By:NewsMeter
Claim Source:Instagram
Claim Fact Check:False
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