Fact Check: Can papaya-coffee supplement aid in breast enlargement?

The size of your breasts depends on various factors. Don't fall for market gimmicks!

By Sunanda Naik  Published on  15 Aug 2023 4:24 AM GMT
Fact Check: Can papaya-coffee supplement aid in breast enlargement?

Hyderabad: An advertisement by a company called Juzfiit claiming that its ā€˜Papaya Coffeeā€™ supplement can help in breast enlargement, is being widely shared on social media. The advertisement was published on a Facebook page called The Brand Invensa, whose ā€˜Aboutā€™ section shows that it is based in Surat, India.

(Source: Screengrab from the viral adv)

A number of supplements are marketed as containing natural ingredients for breast enlargement. Breast enhancement supplements typically contain a variety of herbs. Supplement manufacturers often discuss the potential benefits of plant-derived substances known as phytoestrogens on breast health. The viral product claimed that the papaya-coffee combo aids significantly in breast enlargement.

Fact Check

NewsMeter found that the claim is false.

What is papaya coffee?

Papaya coffee refers to coffee combined with papaya, often in a dried fruit or powder form.

According to Medical News Today, papaya contains a range of nutrients such as antioxidants and potassium. Eating papaya has a range of benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and maintaining bone health, diabetes and digestion. But breast enlargement has not been mentioned as a potential benefit of consuming papaya.

However, the article also warns against certain risk factors such as latex allergy which is caused by papaya, as it contains enzymes called chitanases.

There are certain factors that affect the size of the breast, such as:

Hormones: Female sex hormones, such as oestrogen, influence breast growth throughout life. Events that cause fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can also change the shape and size of the breasts.

Body weight: To an extent, weight gain or weight loss can change the shape and size of the breasts.

Ageing: As someone ages, the skin naturally becomes less elastic and firm. This can lead to the breasts changing shape. Sun exposure, gravity, and other factors can increase these visible signs of ageing.

An article published in the National Center for Health Research titled ā€˜Will Pills or Creams Increase Breast Size?ā€™ stated that, ā€œU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Better Business Bureau confirm that no breast enhancement product has ever been proven to actually work. Even though they may seem to be genuine with quotes from ā€œreal peopleā€ saying the product worked, as well as a money-back guarantee, you will get nothing more than flat results.ā€

It added, ā€œThese companies are allowed to sell products that do not work because the government does not regulate the sale of ā€œbeauty productsā€ very carefully. Except for drugs prescribed by doctors, most consumer products do not require government approval or testing. The FDA regulates labelling of ingredients, the use of colour additives, and they have banned the use of eight chemicals; otherwise, companies are basically free to do as they wish.ā€

Lastly, Healthline stated, ā€œNo food or diet plan has been clinically proven to increase breast size. There are also no supplements, pumps, or creams that can make breasts larger. The best natural way to enhance the look of your breasts is to do exercises that strengthen the chest, back, and shoulder area. Good posture also helps.ā€

Hence, the advertisement claiming to help in breast enlargement through a papaya-coffee supplement is fake.

Claim Review:Papaya coffee aids in drastic breast enlargement.
Claimed By:Advertisement
Claim Reviewed By:NewsMeter
Claim Source:Facebook
Claim Fact Check:False
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