Hyderabad: A tweet purportedly shared by Aaj Tak is viral on social media. Users claim that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) couldn't find a single evidence of corruption against the Gandhi family and that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) allegedly apologized in a court.
"The CBI could not find even a single shred of evidence of corruption against Gandhi family, BJP apologized to the Gandhi family in court (sic)," reads the English translation of the viral message.
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The tweet is Fake.
Upon close observations, NewsMeter found a discrepancy in the viral image. When a tweet is posted, the translation option will appear in the language selected by the user is different from the language in which the tweet appears. The 'translate tweet' prompt will appear between the text and the dateline. However, it is missing from the viral image. It appears on the other official tweets by Aaj Tak. This indicates that the viral image is not authentic.
Moreover, on August 31, Aaj Tak said the tweet is "fake". "The picture of this fake tweet is being circulated in the name of Aaj Tak tweet," the channel said.
It should also be noted that if the information mentioned in the alleged tweet was true, there would have been several news reports about it. However, there aren't. This goes to show that the information is false too.
Thus, the claim is fake.