Fact Check: Do dates and months with same numerical fall on Fridays in 2022?

A message is widely being shared on social media claiming dates and months with same numerical fall on Fridays in 2022.

By Tejal Sinha  Published on  1 Feb 2022 10:01 AM IST
Fact Check: Do dates and months with same numerical fall on Fridays in 2022?

Hyderabad: A message is widely being shared on social media claiming dates and months with same numerical fall on Fridays in 2022.

NewsMeter had received the viral message on WhatsApp.

Meanwhile, a screenshot of the viral message was also shared by many users on Facebook.


Fact Check

The claim is False.

NewsMeter began its investigation by exploring the calendar of the year 2022. During our investigation, we found that January I (01-01-2022) did not fall on Friday but on Saturday.

Similarly, February 2 (02-02-2022) does not fall on Friday but on Wednesday.

(Source: Betacalenders)

From the above screenshot of the 2022 calendar, only the date and month of September i.e 09-09-2022, and November i.e 11-11-2022 will be falling on Friday.

Apart from this, we also searched on the internet if over the past years there have been any year that had the date and month with same numerical falling on the same day. However, we did not find any information on it either.

Hence, it is evident that the claim made through the viral message is False. Apart from September and November, the other dates and months with similar numerical do not fall on Friday in 2022.

Claim Review:Dates and months with same numerical fall only on Fridays in 2022
Claimed By:Social Media Users
Claim Reviewed By:Newsmeter
Claim Source:Social Media
Claim Fact Check:False
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