Fact check: UK's queen says thank you… but not to PM Modi
An image of a billboard showing the photograph of Queen along with a text "Thank you, Modi, for sending us COIVD-19...
By - Newsmeter Network & By - Satya Priya BN | Published on 16 March 2021 10:24 AM IST
An image of a billboard showing the photograph of Queen along with a text "Thank you, Modi, for sending us COIVD-19 vaccines. You are a good boy." is being shared on Twitter and Facebook.
The caption on the post is in Hindi, "ये मोदी का ही जलवा है जो इनकी भाषा बदली है वरना भारत को तो कभी सपेरों का देश बोला जाता था."
"It is Modi who has changed his language Otherwise, India was once called the land of snake charmers," reads the translation.
ये मोदी का ही जलवा है जो इनकी भाषा बदली है
— #Rohit_Shukla (@ImRohit4BJP) March 14, 2021
वरना भारत को तो कभी सपेरों का देश बोला जाता था pic.twitter.com/9IBg6EZs56
The post shared on Facebook was posted with the caption "QUEEN Granny ! Thank you for praising our MUDDY G "
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Fact Check:
The claim that a billboard was put up in London to praise Prime Minister Narendra Modi is FALSE. The Queen did not comment on India or PM Modi.
Few users in the comments have shared the original image of the billboard.
This is the real one . pic.twitter.com/m5zYvk6VFE
— Gurjit singh Tuli (@GurjitTuli) March 15, 2021
After performing a Google Reverse image search, we found that the image is from April 2020. Marking the occasion of Easter in April 2020, the Queen released a television message to the citizens.
In this message, she said that if Britons stayed resolute in the face of a lockdown and self-isolation, they would beat the COVID-19 pandemic. "We know that coronavirus will not overcome us. As dark as death can be - particularly for those suffering from grief - light and life are greater. May the living flame of the Easter hope be a steady guide as we face the future," she said.
This message was put up on the billboard along with her photograph. This image is now being morphed and is being used to spread a false message.
This easter message by Queen was published by different news media websites in April 2020.
The image of the billboard was shared by BBC in April 2020 with the caption: "Queen's message of hope lights up Piccadilly Circus".
Queen's message of hope lights up Piccadilly Circushttps://t.co/l6l0y6HDWj pic.twitter.com/KlE3C1unLP
— BBC London (@BBCLondonNews) April 8, 2020
The article in BBC.com states that a gigantic image of the Queen delivering her address to the nation has been displayed on London's famous Piccadilly Lights.
The photo of the monarch appeared alongside quotes from her Easter (Sunday night) broadcast on the coronavirus crisis.
"We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return", the message read. "I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line, as well as care workers and those carrying out essential roles,"
Usually one of London's busiest tourist hotspots, the streets surrounding the Piccadilly Circus landmark were quiet on Wednesday when the Queen's image appeared as the nation remains in lockdown.
Later, the same image of the billboard was used by few other publications, which talked about the Queen's 94th birthday celebrations. The celebrations were muted as the country was battling a deadly coronavirus outbreak.
We also found the same image on `knowyourmeme.com', where was can use the image and design our own image.
Therefore, the signboard of Queen with Easter message has been morphed. Queen did NOT release any statement praising Modi or India for sending the vaccines to England. The claim is FALSE.