HYDERABAD: A video of a man kneeling and praying in the middle of a busy road is circulating on social media. Users claim that this incident took place in London.
"London in the grip of Islam, London, which ruled half the world 75 years ago, is trapped in the clutches of Islam todayā¦.watch a lonely Mullah offering Namaz on a busy London street," reads one of the posts.
The claim that this incident took place in London is false.
Firstly, NewsMeter performed a reverse image search and found a report dated September 19, 2021, by a Turkish media organization called EN SON HABER. "A man on the Istanbul E-5 highway began to pray, ignoring the passage of vehicles," reads the report.
It was also reported by another media organization `Middleeast.in'. The location is reported as "Street in Istanbul."
Many passersby noticed the man offering prayers in the direction of incoming vehicles and warned him but the man ignored them and the movement of the cars, the report reads.
Secondly, the fact check team noticed a yellow-colored taxi with 'TET 57' and 'iTaksi' written on it. A search for this keyword led to an Istanbul website that shows similar-looking taxis. The cab is from an online taxi service developed by Istanbul Metropolitan (IBB)
Moreover, in the video, a building with the word 'Metroport' can be seen. The fact check team then searched for images of Metroport at Istanbul E-5 highway and found the same location pictures on TripAdvisor as seen in the viral video.
Evidently, the incident took place in Istanbul, Turkey, and not in London. Thus, the claim is false.