HYDERABAD: A video of two girls consuming alcohol in public and arguing with a man is viral on social media. Netizens are sharing this video believing it to be a real incident and are taking a dig at Arvind Kejriwal for "making Delhi the liquor capital".
The video became viral after Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma showed up in the parliament with a pack of liquor. He alleged that the Delhi government is encouraging the consumption of alcohol in the city.
The incident in the viral video is not real.
One can notice a disclaimer at 1:07 minutes in the viral video. It reads: "The video is for entertainment and promotional purposes only. It falls under fair use law. We do not wish to make any commercial use. All the contents are intended to showcase the creativity of the artist involved and strictly done for the promotional purpose (sic)."
There is a watermark in the video which reads 'Instagram - Mr_thakur1612'. It leads to a profile of Sunny Thakur who calls himself an artist.
The viral video was found on his Facebook page 'Thakur Prank'. At 7:38 minutes, Thakur explains that the incident was scripted and that girls were acting. "These girls were just acting, they were not consuming alcohol. Such incidents (consuming alcohol) take place quite often over here and many have complained about it. That is why we made the video."
Clearly, a scripted video is being falsely shared as a real incident to take a dig at Kejriwal.