Fact Check: No need to panic! Mumps infection is all under control; here are dos and don’ts

Such severe complications due to mumps are rare. Mumps usually subsides within 2 weeks.

By Sunanda Naik  Published on  11 April 2024 10:06 AM IST
Fact Check: No need to panic! Mumps infection is all under control; here are dos and don’ts
Claim: The mumps virus causes permanent hearing loss and is fatal.
Fact: Such severe complications due to mumps are rare. Mumps usually subsides within 2 weeks.

Hyderabad: A video showing a man discussing the severity of the mumps virus is widely being circulated on social media. According to media reports, cases of infectious disease caused by the mumps virus are being seen rapidly in many states including Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Rajasthan, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh.

In the viral video, the man could be seen claiming that the mumps virus causes permanent deafness and is fatal.

Fact Check

NewsMeter found the claim to be misleading.

What is the mumps virus?

Dr. S Vijay, M.D, Sr. Consultant Physician, Care Hospitals & Professor & HoD, Dept. of Internal Medicine, explained the Mumps virus as, a viral infection of the Salivary (Parotid ) gland, present on both sides of our cheeks. It’s a common and contagious viral infection. It spreads from person to person by contact with an infected individual. It is usually a self-limiting disease that doesn't require any big treatment. Patients may have a fever, headache, body pains, and classically swelling and pain on the cheeks just below and in front of our ears. It usually lasts for a week or two. The treatment includes rest, plenty of fluids, and simple fever and pain medications. Rarely it might complicate and spread to the testis, Lungs, Heart Brain, and other organs.

“Mumps virus is very common Mumps is usually most contagious in the first three to five days. It spreads through oral secretion,” says Dr Priyajeet Panigrahi, ENT Specialist

What are the preventive measures against the Mumps virus?

Mumps are highly contagious. If you are the one diagnosed with mumps:

  • Don't share your items that may contain your saliva
  • Always cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing
  • Disinfect items you have shared
  • Keep your hands clean
  • Stay at home and avoid meeting people

In the reverse case scenario, if you get in contact with someone with mumps:

  • Maintain healthy distance
  • Wear a N-95 respiratory mask

The Mask will act as a protective shield to your respiratory system with high filtration efficiency to airborne particles.

Moreover, the Cleveland Clinic mentions that the MMR vaccine is safe and effective. The MMR vaccine prevents mumps in up to 90% of people with no to mild side effects.

Does it cause permanent deafness?

Rarely, says Dr. S. Vijay Mohan.

According to a study, mumps cause unilateral acquired sensorineural deafness in children, which means it may cause hair loss in one of the ears. Mumps deafness is usually sudden in occurrence. It is quite rare to have permanent complications due to the mumps virus.

Myth vs Treatment

According to Hopkins Medicine, the treatment for mumps virus is limited to medicine for pain and plenty of fluids. A good amount of rest is also advised in the first few days.

Once mumps are diagnosed, the doctors concentrate on making you comfortable with the symptoms and not the virus itself. There is no specific treatment for mumps.

Rather, following these steps might help you soothe the symptoms and let the disease take its course.

  • Drinking plenty of water or fluids.
  • Gargle lukewarm salt water
  • Eat soft and chewy food such as oats, barley, and porridge.
  • Avoid acidic food.
  • Place an ice pack or heat pack on the swollen gland
  • Take non-Aspirin medication

It should be noted that aspirin must not be given to children.

Is the Mumps virus fatal?

It's a rare occurrence, says Dr.Vijay. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mumps can be serious but most people with mumps recover completely within 2 weeks. In some cases, the disease might cause complications such as permanent deafness in children and swelling in the brain which in rare cases causes death.

When affected with mumps, one might feel feverish, fatigue, and swollen salivary glands. Whereas others may develop some serious complications. In males, swelling in the testicles can be observed. Similarly, in women, there might be severe pain in the ovaries. Mumps virus may lead to a temporary hearing loss and in rare cases, it could be permanent. Which means chances are very low but not zero.

Mumps can be fatal only if there is severe inflammation of the brain.

Claim Review:The mumps virus causes permanent hearing loss and is fatal.
Claimed By:Social media user
Claim Reviewed By:NewSMeter
Claim Source:Facebook
Claim Fact Check:Misleading
Fact:Such severe complications due to mumps are rare. Mumps usually subsides within 2 weeks.
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