Video of military officers beating men is from Pakistan, not India

Social media users claim that Muslims were dragged out of their houses and beaten up by the Indian Army....

By Newsmeter Network
Published on : 22 April 2021 10:24 AM IST

military officers beating men

HYDERABAD: A video of military officers beating up a few men is viral on social media with the false claim that the incident took place in India.

Social media users claim that Muslims were dragged out of their houses and beaten up by the Indian Army.

The caption along with the video translates: "RSS has fully captured India. Muslims are being dragged out of their houses and beaten."

The archived versions of the posts are saved here and here.

NewsMeter found that the claim is false as this incident did not take place in India.


We performed a reverse image search and found a few articles that carried the visuals and reported saying Pakistani soldiers were interrogating members of the 'Taliban'.

Click here and here to read.

The soldiers were asking questions in a private building to the people they caught in the video, then kicked and slapped the suspects.

We also found that the video dates back to 2009 as the same image was carried BBC News, The Guardian, and NDTV in 2009 reports. "It is not clear who shot the film or where. It appears to have been made recently, perhaps in the Swat valley," BBC News reads.

The Guardian and NDTV report said: "The detainees squeal in pain and beg for mercy in Pashto, the main language of North-West Frontier Province, suggesting the footage may have been shot in the Swat valley".

This video was also debunked by FACTLY and ALT NEWS in 2019 when it was falsely claimed that the video claimed "Indian Army beating Kashmiri Muslims". These reports also state that the viral video is not from India and that Pakistani soldiers were seen apparently abusing Taliban suspects.

Evidently, it is clear that Muslims were not dragged out of their houses and beaten up by the Indian Army.

Hence, the claim is false.

Claim Review:Video of military officers beating men is from India
Claimed By:Social Media Users
Claim Reviewed By:Newsmeter
Claim Source:Social Media
Claim Fact Check:False
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