WhatsApp has not issued any fresh guidelines
A message has gone viral on social media which makes several startling claims related to WhatsApp's new terms.
By Shimron Diana Published on 28 May 2021 11:59 AM ISTHyderabad: Certain netizens claim that WhatsApp has issued a fresh set of guidelines. A message has gone viral on social media which makes several startling claims related to WhatsApp's new terms. It talks about a new set of communication rules purportedly issued by WhatsApp.
This message has been circulated previously also to mislead social media users.
The viral message stated: "TŹį“ É“į“į“” į“į“į“į“į“É“ÉŖį“į“į“ÉŖį“É“ Źį“Źį“s Ņį“Ź WŹį“į“sAį“į“ į“É“į“ WŹį“į“sAį“į“ Cį“ŹŹs (Vį“ÉŖį“į“ į“É“į“ VÉŖį“ į“į“ Cį“ŹŹs) į“”ÉŖŹŹ Źį“ ÉŖį“į“Źį“į“į“É“į“į“į“ ŅŹį“į“ į“į“į“į“ŹŹį“į“”:
01. AŹŹ į“į“ŹŹs į“”ÉŖŹŹ Źį“ Źį“į“į“Źį“ į“į“ .
02. AŹŹ į“į“ŹŹ Źį“į“į“Źį“ ÉŖÉ“É¢s į“”ÉŖŹŹ Źį“ sį“į“ į“į“ .
03. WŹį“į“sAį“į“, Fį“į“į“Bį“į“į“, Tį“”ÉŖį“į“į“Ź, IÉ“sį“į“É¢Źį“į“ į“É“į“ į“ŹŹ sį“į“ÉŖį“Ź į“į“į“ ÉŖį“ į“”ÉŖŹŹ Źį“ į“į“É“ÉŖį“į“Źį“į“ .
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3. Tį“”į“ ŹŹį“į“āā= į“į“ssį“É¢į“ Źį“į“į“ .
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The virally shared claim is False!! This message has been circulating on WhatsApp groups not only in the present scenario but earlier too. WhatsApp has made no such announcement or claim.
Fact Check:
News Meter first checked if WhatsApp has made any such claim. It has been found that WhatsApp itself tweeted that it has made no such announcement and the message is absolutely false and misleading.
This tweet made by WhatsApp, clearly indicates that the viral message sent across is fake and misleading.
"WhatsApp protects and secures your private messages. WhatsApp cannot see your private messages or hear your calls and neither can Facebook. WhatsApp does not keep logs of who everyone is messaging or calling. WhatsApp cannot see your shares location and neither can Facebook. WhatsApp does not share your contacts with Facebook. WhatsApp groups remain private. You can set your messages to disappear. You can download your data," WhatsApp tweeted.
"We want to address some rumors and be 100% clear, we continue to protect your private messages with end to end encryption".
Secondly, we have found that Press Information Bureau has also debunked the claim.
Finally, we checked if WhatsApp has made any such policy. It was found that WhatsApp came up with a new policy button on January 21. A panel on information technology questioned WhatsApp representatives on its recent changes in its privacy policy which was supposed to be accepted by its users by May 15, 2021.
WhatsApp was asked to withdraw its policy because it bothered users. This has been reported by the Indian Express. The article also mentions WhatsApp's new policy.
Conclusion: Hence the claim is false. WhatsApp has made no such announcement!! The circulated message is fake and misleading.