Hyd CP meets religious leaders ahead of Babri Masjid judgement
By Anurag Mallick Published on 2 Nov 2019 4:16 PM
Hyderabad: Ahead of the Supreme court judgement on the Ram Janmabhoomi - Babri Masjid case, Hyderabad Police Commisoner Anjani Kumar reached out to religious and political leaders to maintain law and order irrespective of the outcome of the judgement. The top cop held a meeting at his office at Basheerbagh wherein Husamuddin Sani Jaffar Pasha (President/ AMI), Brother Imran (President /IREF), Moulana Mohammad Naseeruddin (President / Well), M.A Majeed (President/DJS), Syed Hamed Hussain Jaffery (President /Shia youth conference), Amjedullah Khan (MBT) were called upon.
By the end of the meeting, all the leaders assured Commissioner Anjani Kumar that whatever judgement comes, they would cooperate with the police to maintain Law and order.
Syed Hamid Hussain Jaffery, President (Shia youth conference) urged the police to ensure security and police bandobast ( arrangements) in West zone especially in Inayat Jung, Asifnagar, Begum Bazar etc. keeping in view the communal sensitivity of the area.
Keeping in view the nearing of completion of Muharram, there is an increase in Majlis and forthcoming Milad un Nabi programs by both the communities.
Invited the Ulemas of Muslim community elders on 02.11.2019 in the light of the forth coming judgment from the Honāble Supreme Court, all the community elders expressed their views that peace and communal harmony is most important....https://t.co/3goGDZOyHV pic.twitter.com/vFljZgYvUs
ā Anjani Kumar, IPS (@CPHydCity) November 2, 2019
The Commissioner of Police, Anjani Kumar, requested both the communities that the religious leaders addressing these gatherings should avoid making any controversial or proactive statements concerning the Ramjanma Bhoomi - Babri Masjid issue.