Amend PBBY scheme to cover accidental deaths: Emigrants Welfare Forum to TS MPs
Months ahead he had paid a premium for an insurance policy—Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana (PBBY)—worth Rs. 10 lakhs. After his death, Laxman’s family did not receive any financial support as PBBY covers only accidental death.
By Amrutha Kosuru Published on 8 Dec 2022 10:00 AM IST
Hyderabad: In 2014, Mammai Laxman (38), a resident of Nizamabad's Hanumapur mandal, went to Qatar in search of livelihood and died of a heart attack seven days after arriving there.
Laxman got an Emigration Clearance from the Protector of Emigrants (POE), Mumbai.
Months ahead he had paid a premium for an insurance policy—Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana (PBBY)—worth Rs. 10 lakhs. After his death, Laxman's family did not receive any financial support as PBBY covers only accidental death.
The Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojna (PBBY) is a mandatory insurance scheme for ECR category workers. It provides insurance cover of up to Rs. 10 lakhs in case of accidental death or permanent disability while on employment abroad.
The president of Emigrants Welfare Forum, Bheem Reddy Mandha, has written a letter addressing all Telangana MPs (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) demanding the provision of the insurance be amended to cover natural death (death due to any reason) as well.
"Increase the premium a little or give a subsidy if necessary. This is a very valuable issue for the Gulf dead. About 1,700 Telangana migrant workers have died in the Gulf countries in the last eight and half years," he said.
PBBY is mandatory for all ECR (Emigration Check Required) passports. Applicants who have not completed 10th grade or has completed it but does not have all the necessary documents and children under 15 years get an ECR passport.
Bheem Reddy demanded that PBBY be made mandatory irrespective of the nature of the passports. He further demanded that the government of India support the victims of wage theft who returned during the Covid-19 pandemic. Provide legal aid to migrant workers who have returned from the Gulf and other countries so they can get their salary arrears, bonus, PF, and gratuity (End of Service Benefits) from their foreign employers, he said.
UAE consulate
In his letter, Mr. Reddy said the government of India should convince UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait to set up consulates (Diplomatic Missions) in Hyderabad.
"Four years ago, the Telangana government gave its consent for the establishment of the UAE consulate in Hyderabad on 28 June 2018. It is known that the government of Saudi Arabia is willing in principle to set up a Saudi consulate in Hyderabad," he pointed out.
Mr. Reddy said that the consulate will help poor migrants flying to the UAE in search of work.
Qatar deaths
"The government of India should break the silence on the deaths of Indian workers in Qatar," Mr. Reddy wrote in his letter.
He added, "Official figures say that 2,711 Indians died in Qatar during 2010-20. All the deceased workers were involved in football stadiums, related constructions and other works. It is estimated that about 100 migrants from Telangana have died in Qatar in the last 10 years. Compensation should be paid to migrant workers who sacrificed their lives in Qatar irrespective of the cause of death."