Attn students: Telangana scraps grading for class X, reintroduces marks for external exams

Students will have to write each subject for 100 marks, 20 marks will be for internal examination according to Telangana govt

By Sistla Dakshina Murthy  Published on  29 Nov 2024 11:32 AM IST
Attn students: Telangana scraps grading for class X, reintroduces marks for external exams

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Hyderabad: Telangana government has decided to scrap the grading system and reintroduce a marks system for external examinations from the current academic year. Earlier, a grading system was being followed for class X students. Now the government has decided to directly award marks for the final examinations.

Orders to this effect were issued by the government on Thursday.

Now, students will have to write each subject for 100 marks. Earlier, 20 marks were awarded for the internal examinations and 80 marks for each subject. By scrapping the grading system, the internal assessment component would no longer be included in the final exams, which will henceforth carry 100 marks for each of the six subjects.

Now onwards, evaluating students would be based on their performance in the written exams. According to officials, the move is aimed at streamlining the evaluation process and ensuring a uniform assessment system across schools. The current academic year would mark the beginning of the implementation of this new system. According to instructions released by the education department, students would now receive a 24-page answer booklet for their final exams.

With the new initiative, marks would be awarded and students could easily secure rank based on their scores, making it easy for the online admission process for the intermediate courses. To date, the government's attempt to implement an online junior college admissions procedure has been significantly hampered by the SSC Public Exams' grading system.

According to the grading scheme, Class X students receive grades (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, and E) based on the range of marks they have earned. In the online admissions process for intermediate courses, these grades made it challenging for the officials to assign seats and compare and rank students equally.

Meanwhile, the state government has chosen to implement a centralized online admissions system for junior colleges in place of the current admissions procedure. Online admission to junior colleges will be available to students and their parents starting next year. In addition to expediting the admissions process, the action aims to curb the exorbitant fees that corporate and private junior colleges charge.

With a single click, students would be able to apply to numerous junior colleges, including government, corporate, and private institutions, through the new online portal that will be launched next academic year. In addition to regulating fees in the state's corporate and private junior schools, the government may likely fix a new fee structure before introducing online admissions for junior colleges.

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