Hyderabad stands with Ladakh: A call for democracy and ecology
Hyderabad marches for Real life Rancho’s `Mission Ladakh' gets support from South for statehood demand
By Anoushka Caroline Williams Published on 8 April 2024 10:11 AM IST
Hyderabad: In a display of solidarity, citizens and collectives in Hyderabad gathered at Lamakaan on 7th April to support the democratic people's movement in Ladakh.
The protest, organized as part of a nationwide call for solidarity, aimed to lend support to Ladakh's quest for statehood and Sixth Schedule status under the Constitution.
Echoes of Solidarity
The Lamakaan campus resounded with chants of "Save Ladakh! Save Ecology! Save Himalayas! Save Democracy!" as participants marched peacefully from Lamakaan to the Ambedkar Statue.
Environmentalists, feminists, farmers' rights advocates, youth activists, and concerned citizens joined the procession to express their support.
Dr. Babu Rao, one of the participants, highlighted the importance of immediate action, stating, "It is high time Ladakh is granted statehood and constitutional protections it deserves both under Sixth and Fifth Schedule of the Constitution."
Condemnation of Government Action
Participants expressed outrage at the government's attempts to suppress the peaceful protest and create tension in the region. The last-minute cancellation of the Pashmina March and the imposition of internet curbs and Section 144 were condemned as tactics to stifle dissent.
According to Sagar Dhara, a participant, "The Centre's actions demonstrate its reluctance to address the legitimate demands of the people of Ladakh and its disregard for democratic principles."
Betrayal of Promises
The protest also denounced the government's failure to fulfill its promise of granting Sixth Schedule status to Ladakh, as stated in the 2019 poll manifesto. Despite months of protests by the Leh Apex Body and Kargil Democratic Association, the government has shown no willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue.
Sumitra, another participant, emphasized, "The government's betrayal exposes its anti-people stance and disregard for the aspirations of the Ladakhi people."
Shared Struggles
Drawing parallels between the struggles of Ladakh and other regions, participants highlighted the interconnectedness of their movements. They emphasized the need to defend democracy, protect the environment, and challenge oppressive forces collectively.
Anita, a youth activist, stated, "The challenges faced by Ladakh resonate with the struggles across India against corporate greed and authoritarianism."
Concerns for Ecology and Sovereignty
Participants expressed concern over attempts by corporate entities and external forces to encroach upon Ladakh's pastoralist land, particularly in the Changthang border area. They warned that such actions could threaten territorial sovereignty, damage the fragile ecology, and jeopardize the livelihoods of nomadic communities.
Ruchit, a member of Climate Front Hyderabad, remarked, "The struggle for Ladakh's autonomy is inseparable from the broader fight to protect our environment and preserve indigenous cultures."
A Call to Unite
In closing, organizers reiterated the importance of solidarity and collective action in confronting the challenges faced by Ladakh and other marginalized communities. They urged people to unite against anti-democratic and anti-environmental forces.
Meera Sanghamitra, representing the National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), emphasized, "The struggle of Ladakh is intertwined with the larger struggle for justice and equality across India. We must stand together in solidarity."