Jalpally: Why Nabeel Colony residents want Sabitha Indira Reddy to lose

"We have visited her office quite a lot of times in the last two years. Every time we meet her, we come back with the hope that the issues are answered but all our efforts go in vain" said the President of the society

By Bhavana  Published on  1 Nov 2023 4:05 AM GMT
Jalpally: Why Nabeel Colony residents want Sabitha Indira Reddy to lose

Hyderabad: For the record, residents of Metro Colony, Ward 3, Jalpally, Rangareddy district are campaigning against their MLA Sabitha Indra Reddy just to make sure that she does not represent them for the next five years.

Located a few kilometers away from the iconic Charminar, Jalpally is a locality that has remained underdeveloped despite Sabitha Indra Reddy representing the constituency.

People here are living in deplorable conditions, worse than in many less developed areas. The neighborhood, situated merely 100 meters from the famous Barkas area and 500 meters from the Defense Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), has been struggling for years without basic amenities and proper connectivity.

Mohammad, the President of the society said, "Despite multiple visits from prominent political figures like Sabitha Madam and MIM MLC Rahmat Baig Saab, residents have seen little to no improvement in their living conditions. Sabitha Madam visited the area more than seven times in the last five years, and her son Karthik Anna assured residents that work would commence within two days, but these promises have gone unfulfilled."

"We have visited her office quite a lot of times in the last two years. Every time we meet her, we come back with the hope that the issues are answered but all our efforts go in vain. No roads, no streetlights, no proper water resources, and the list goes on. We do not want her again as our MLA. So we are making sure people know the reality."

The primary concern for the residents is the absence of essential infrastructure. They lament the deteriorating condition of their streets and the lack of basic amenities that they once enjoyed before the floods. They claim that the area, which has been designated as a "Nala" or drainage, has now become practically impassable. Residents cannot book cabs or ambulances, and even hosting marriage functions in the area has become a challenge due to the dire conditions.

The front area of Councillor Ahmed Kasadi Saab's residence in the Jalpally municipality is particularly affected. A drainage river overflows from the main road, and the surface of the road is uneven. The situation is so dire that many elderly individuals have fallen on this hazardous surface. Schoolchildren attending the nearby school are forced to step directly onto vehicles from the school's entrance, as there is no place to stand on the road.

This dismal situation has persisted for four long years, making it impossible for ambulances to access the area. Residents have grown accustomed to these conditions, but the urgent need for improvement is evident.

The residents hope that their plight will finally garner the attention it deserves, and that action will be taken to address the dire lack of infrastructure and amenities in their locality. They have expressed their frustration at the unfulfilled promises of politicians and the deteriorating living conditions they continue to endure, right in the heart of a city known for its iconic landmarks.

As this locality's residents wait for meaningful change, they hope that their voices will finally be heard, and their area will see the development it desperately needs.

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