Hyderabad’s Balapur laddu auctioned for Rs 17.6 lakh
By Dheeshma Published on 12 Sept 2019 2:53 PM ISTHyderabad: Balapur Ganesh laddu, the famous laddu prasadam has been auctioned for Rs 17.6 lakhs. A local farmer, Kolan Ram Reddy bid on the 21 kg laddu and won. The open auction was held at Balapur village on Thursday morning. Last year the auctioned laddu fetched around Rs 16.60 lakhs.
A large crowd of devotees witnessed the auction, which also had bidders from Nellore.
Meanwhile, the golden laddu of Bholakpur was auctioned for Rs 7.56 lakhs, and the laddu at Ameerpet went for a record amount of Rs 5.4 lakhs.
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