40 Funny Indian Nicknames for Boys and Girls
In this article, we have covered a list of 40 funny and cute nicknames for friends, boys and girls with meanings.
By Newsmeter NetworkPublished on : 27 Jan 2021 2:06 PM IST

Making friends is easy, but finding people who stay with you through thick and thin is quite hard. It is this group of close friends who hold your darkest secrets and even your most embarrassing moments. Their way of teasing you? Calling you by nicknames that only a few can comprehend! Well, instead of complaining, consider yourself lucky to have these friends who are so close you and take that extra liberty with you!
If you are willing to take a sweet revenge on them and play the same trick, then you are the right place! Listed below are 40 Unique Nicknames for Best Friends with meanings!
Here are some cute nicknames you can use to address your boy or girl friends:
Macha is a Tamil word which means "friend" or "brother". It is a slang term which can also mean "brother-in-law". So, if you are a girl and trying to address your guy friend as "Macha", then better make sure he doesn't take it in an offensive way!
Dude is an 18th century English word which means "well-dressed". If you think your male friend looks dapper in this choice of outfits, then there is no harm in calling him a "Dude". In other contexts, "Dude" can also a slang term to address a guy like "Hey Dude! What's up?!"
Champ is a short form for "Champion". If you think your male friend is a champion in studies, sports or even with women, then "champ" is the right nickname for him. Of course, it can also come with a pinch of sarcasm to describe quite the opposite character!
"Golu" is a Hindi word which means round. It is a funny nickname for boy friends who are chubby and round. Well, make sure you have a good relationship with him before you address him as Golu.
Another popular Hindi nickname for boys is Chotu, which means "small". Well, the guy can be shorter in height or smaller in age. Either way the name perfectly suits him!
If you thought "Pappu" is just another nickname for boys, then mind you! An entire Wikipedia page dedicated for this word! "Pappu" is a Hindi word for small village boy who is lovable but not so smart. Now you know why a popular leader in the country in often addressed as "Pappu" by the media? š
If you are willing to take a sweet revenge on them and play the same trick, then you are the right place! Listed below are 40 Unique Nicknames for Best Friends with meanings!
40 Funny Indian Nicknames for Friends with Meanings:
Here are some cute nicknames you can use to address your boy or girl friends:
Cool Nicknames for Boy Best Friends:
1. Macha:
Macha is a Tamil word which means "friend" or "brother". It is a slang term which can also mean "brother-in-law". So, if you are a girl and trying to address your guy friend as "Macha", then better make sure he doesn't take it in an offensive way!
2. Dude:
Dude is an 18th century English word which means "well-dressed". If you think your male friend looks dapper in this choice of outfits, then there is no harm in calling him a "Dude". In other contexts, "Dude" can also a slang term to address a guy like "Hey Dude! What's up?!"
3. Champ:
Champ is a short form for "Champion". If you think your male friend is a champion in studies, sports or even with women, then "champ" is the right nickname for him. Of course, it can also come with a pinch of sarcasm to describe quite the opposite character!
4. Golu:
"Golu" is a Hindi word which means round. It is a funny nickname for boy friends who are chubby and round. Well, make sure you have a good relationship with him before you address him as Golu.
5. Chotu:
Another popular Hindi nickname for boys is Chotu, which means "small". Well, the guy can be shorter in height or smaller in age. Either way the name perfectly suits him!
6. Pappu:
If you thought "Pappu" is just another nickname for boys, then mind you! An entire Wikipedia page dedicated for this word! "Pappu" is a Hindi word for small village boy who is lovable but not so smart. Now you know why a popular leader in the country in often addressed as "Pappu" by the media? š
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7. Munna:
Munna is a lovable nickname for boys who look sweet and cute. It can also be used by boys for addressing their male friends who have a nice character and a little gullible too!
8. Baba:
The word "Baba" in Hindi means father. It also has other meanings like Godmen (Babas) who think they know everything. So, if your friend thinks he is Mr.Know-it-all and keeps preaching you often, then it's fair to call him a "Baba"!
9. Kaka:
Kaka means father's brother in Hindi, but with times, turned into a slang word like Chicha, Mamu etc.If you maintain a cordial relationship with your guy friends, then "Kaka" is an ideal nickname for them.
10. Bro:
Bro is a universally popular nickname for guy friends which means "brother". But, if you a girl then make sure the boy accepts your brotherhood before you address him "bro" and break his heart into a thousand pieces.
11. Tinku:
Tinku is a cute nickname for boys which closely means "sweet". It is a suitable word to address your guy friends who are really sweet and treat you very well.
12. Lambu:
Lambu meaning "long" is a funny nickname for boys who are exceptionally tall. If your guy friend looks like an tall electric pole dwarfing the rest of you, then call him "Lambu"!
13. Bunny:
Does your guy friend have cute, bunny like teeth? Then, why not address him as "Bunny"! Apart from friends, even some parents also prefer using this as a nickname for their boy children.
14. Circuit:
Remember the character "Circuit" from Munnabhai MBBS? Circuit is the sidekick of Munnabhai on whom the hero relies completely. If you have a friend who has a solution for all your problems, then "Circuit" is the best nickname for him.
15. Rocky:
Rocky is a nice nickname for boys which can have multiple meanings. It can be related to his physical strength or rock-hard brain that refuses to work! Either ways, your friend will love this iconic name.
16. Dumbo:
Dumbo is another funny nickname for guys who are dumb headed. If the person has a brain that is always left in the freezer, then Dumbo is the right name for him!
17. Laddoo:
Is your friend 'Gol-matol' and loves stuffing his mouth with food? Then "laddoo" is an apt nickname for him. Laddoo may also indicate his sweet and adorable personality.
18. Silencer:
Well, here is a funny nickname for guys who silently fart and fill the room with obscene smell! Just like a silencer that filters out the noise, these guys also do what they can do the best!
19. Tubelight:
If your friend's brain takes a few seconds to react to a situation, then "tubelight" is the best nickname for him. These people take their own sweet time to understand what's going on around them and before they respond, the damage would have already been done!
20. Padaku:
Padaku is a cool nickname for boys who are true bookworms. If your friend always has his nose buried deep into his books, then don't hesitate calling him a "Padaku".
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Cute Nicknames for Girl Best Friends:
21. Sundari:
Sundari is a nice nickname for girlfriends which means "beautiful". It is an perfect title for those who have exceptionally beautiful looks. But make sure, your friends are upto no malice when they are calling you by that name.
22. Choti:
Choti is a Hindi nickname for girls which means "small" or even "plaits". If your lady friend belongs to either of the category then there is no harm in calling her "Choti". Doesn't it sound cute?
23. Seeti:
Seeti is a Hindi word which means "Whistle". Now you know why some of your female friends are called "Seeti"? Because they have a shrieking voice that can almost sounds like the shrill of a whistle!
24. Gudiya:
If your friend looks like a doll, then give her this sweet nickname "Gudiya". Well, there is another hidden meaning here! Gudiya can also mean childish behavior and lack of maturity. So, you decide which side you want to choose!
25. Chashmish:
Does your girl wear large glasses and looks like a lady Nerd? Then call her "Chashmish" which means spectacles or glasses in Hindi. Chashmish can also mean one who studies a lot and end up getting hi-power glasses.
26. Jaanu:
Well, Jaanu is a romantic nickname for girlfriends. Most boys prefer to address their lady loves as "Jaanu" which means "life". We don't really recommend this word for girls to address their lady friends!
27. Bulbul:
A Bulbul is a cheerful bird which is always in high-spirits. So, if you have a female friend who is hyperactive and extremely talkative, then "Bulbul" is the right nickname for her.
28. Chutki:
Chutki means "small size"! It is a cute nickname for girls who are compact sized. Well, if you are a cartoon lover then Chutki can also mean the adorable character in Chota Bheem who always supports the hero!
29. Moti:
Moti in Hindi means "One who is fat". So, if you lady friend fits the description then you may use the nickname. Beware! Calling someone "Moti" can be taken as body shaming. Use this nickname only if you have a close bonding with the person.
30. Pagli:
Pagli is a Hindi nickname for girls which means "mad". If your lady friend always acts crazy and goes out-of-mind, then "Pagli" may be the right word for her!
31. Gundi (Goonda):
Does your lady friend acts like a typical street rowdy who always bullies others? Then give her he nickname "Gundi" or "Goonda". These girls love to break the rules and stay rebellious!
32. Curly:
This is a self-explanatory word which means "Curly hair". If your friend has coiled or spring like curly hair, then "Curly" can be a cute nickname for her!
33. Gulabo:
Gulabo is a sweet nickname for girls which means "one with rose like cheeks". It is suitable for boys to address their girl friends or female friends.
34. Chikni:
Chikni is a slang word which may sound a bit offensive if you don't know the person properly. Chikni means "chick" and is used a nickname for girlfriends.
35. Bukhad:
If your lady friend is a glutton and constantly thinks of food, then "Bukhad" can be a funny nickname for her. The unisex meaning also makes it apt for boys who are true breed foodies!
36. Rangrezi:
Rangrezi is a funny nickname for girls who are always dressed up in colorful clothes. Their sense of fashion is slightly over-the-top and garish. Sometimes, you may be to wear sunglass to neutralize the effect of these colors on your eyes.
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37. Aloo:
If your female friend loves to binge on potatoes or aloo morning, noon and night, then "Aloo" can be a funny nickname for her. Girls who act like Couch potatoes can also do justice to this nickname.
38. Pataka:
If your girl friend has a violent temper that can exploit with the smallest mistakes you commit, then "Pataka" or fire cracker can be a funny nickname for her.
39. Flashy:
Some girls prefer to wear shiny clothes that can give a glare even at nights. Such people can be given a funny nickname "flashy".
40. Nautanki:
Nautanki is a popular nickname for girls who act like real-life drama queens. They are always ready to create a scene by making a mountain out of a molehill!
Those are some of the funny and cute nicknames for friends, both girls and boys. Although we tried to cover the possible meanings, there may be many hidden logics behind these nicknames which only true friends will know!
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