Mallepally Badi Masjid, State HQ of Tablighi Jamaat cordoned off, members sent for test
By Anurag Mallick
- 13 people from Uttar Pradesh and the 13 people working in the Kitchen of Mallepally Badi Masjid have been taken to the Nature cure Hospital.
- 11 locals from Hyderabad have been rushed to the Chest Hospital.
Hyderabad: Members at Mallepally Badi Masjid, considered to be the state-headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat, were vacated and rushed to the Chest Hospital on April 1st. This comes, after 15 people , all returned from Delhi's Nizamuddin Markaz religious gathering, were tested positive for Coronavirus in Telangana.
As on April 1st, the state's total number of positive cases spiked to 77, this excludes the 6 death and 14 other discharged. This number ācould beā higher as the reports of 37 people who returned from Delhi's Nizamuddin Markaz are awaited.
According to the Habeeb nagar police, A total of 37 people, which included 13 from Uttar Pradesh , 11 Hyderabadi locals who had visited the Markaz , were shifted out. The rest of the 13 members are those who work for the Mallepally Masjid as Helpers.
The 11 locals within the city limits had returned to Hyderabad on March 17th wherein the 13 people from UP came to Hyderabad on March 24th, to note they returned during the lockdown.
It was on Wednesday that all the 37 people including the 13 people working in the Kitchen were rushed to Nature cure & Chest Hospital in Hyderabad for tests in three different ambulances.
Speaking to Newsmeter, an official from the Habeebnagar Police said, " A total of 37 people were residing in the Mallepally Masjid. 13 people belong to Uttar Pradesh and had come to the Masjid to stay. They returned to Hyderabad from Delhi on March 24th and immediately had gone to Gandhi Hospital for testing. They were tested negative. Apart from them, 11 other locals from Hyderabad had returned from Delhi on March 17th and stayed in the Masjid from then. But hadn't undergone any tests. The rest of the 13 members among the 37 are the people working in the Masjid's Kitchen and also as Helpers.
Tablighi Jamaat convocation is held every two years at Hazrat Nizamuddin in Delhi. Presided by Moulana Saadh, Tablighi members address the gathering and motivate Muslims to say Namaz.
Tablighi Jamaat members also go door to door motivating people to say Namaz. People from AP and Telangana started to return on the evening of March 17. Most of the members reached their hometown from March 18 and March 20.
Meanwhile, 17 Burma Nationals were found in a function hall in Narketpally, the police have sent them as well to the hospital. They had come to Narketpally last night from a temple in Nalgonda. The 17 people stay in Hyderabad's Balapur.