Mumbai: Security at Bollywood actor Salman Khan's residence in Bandra area here has been enhanced with bulletproof glass protecting his balcony and a high-tech CCTV camera system keeping a watch on the road outside, a police official said on Tuesday.
The bulletproof glass panel will ensure the actor's safety when he steps onto the balcony of his flat at Galaxy Apartments to greet his fans, said the official.
The security upgrade, being carried out by a private contractor hired by Khan, comes months after two men on a motorbike, allegedly belonging to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, opened fire outside the building in April 2024.
A high-tech CCTV camera has been installed in front of the building to detect any suspicious movement and also razor wire fencing is being put around it, the police official said.
The actor had received threats from the Bishnoi gang in the past.
Navi Mumbai Police in June 2024 had claimed to have discovered a plot to kill the actor when he traveled to his farmhouse at Panvel near Mumbai.
Khan already enjoys 24-hour police protection.
Inputs from PTI