Mosque health centre emulates Ayushman Bharath to deliver free primary healthcare
The Helping Hand Foundation's primary health care services included basic OPD for all primary illnesses, diagnostics, antenatal, and paediatric care. It has also combined NCD prevention and control, eye care, dental care, primary trauma care, MOT, and links to tertiary care.
By Newsmeter Network Published on 31 Jan 2023 3:46 PM IST
Over 1.06 lakh patients from 20+ highly vulnerable urban slums received comprehensive primary health care services at a health centre established in the Shaheen Nagar area of the Old City as part of the Ayushman Bharath Health & Wellness initiative in 2022. The centre was established in 2020 by the NGO Helping Hand Foundation in collaboration with two US-based charities, AMPI USA and SEED USA.
The slums near the mosque health centre are among the worst in the Old City and are particularly vulnerable to floods. Also, the area has bad hygiene and sanitation, which makes people more likely to get seasonal and insect-borne diseases. The Helping Hand Foundation's primary health care services included basic OPD for all primary illnesses, diagnostics, antenatal, and paediatric care. It has also combined NCD prevention and control, eye care, dental care, primary trauma care, MOT, and links to tertiary care.
It has all these services under one roof, similar to what the government of India is setting up with the Ayushman Bharath Health & Wellness Centre. "Comprehensive primary care systems at zero cost are urgently needed in vulnerable places like Shaheenagar," according to Dr Javeed Akhter, professor of paediatric medicine at the Chicago Medical College in the United States. Dr Akhter is one of the creators of AMPI-USA (American Muslim Physicians of Indian Origin).
Out of the 1.06 lakh individuals who received free primary care in 2022, 56% were adults, 34% were children, 7% were pregnant women, and 3% received dental and ophthalmic care. Women and children benefitted the most from this outreach. The effort saved more than Rs 7 crore in OOPE. About 4266 people got free dental care, which included cleanings, fillings, extractions, and care for cavities. In addition, almost 2674 patients were given basic primary trauma care.
Opthal screened 507 patients, 151 underwent free cataract operations, and 227 received free eyeglasses. During the NCD program's screening of 2315 patients, it was discovered that 43% had hypertension, 27% had diabetes, 5% had both co-morbidities, 3% had coronary artery disease, and 23% had thyroid-related problems. In addition, almost 53% of people with NCDs were overweight, and 13% had obesity in grades 1–3. Over a thousand patients were given IV injectables in the daycare facility. Among them, 23% had typhoid, 18% had diarrhoea, and 4% had dengue.
Mr Mujtaba Hasan Askari of the Helping Hand Foundation said, "We are happy that we have replicated the Ayushman Bharath model's wellness centre in providing free comprehensive health coverage to marginalised sections. It has translated into significant cost savings and improved their other social indices."Mosque health centre emulates Ayushman Bharath to deliver free primary healthcare