What’s the deal with vegan milk & are they healthy? Explained
Nutritionist and lifestyle educator Karishma Chawla elaborates on the pros and cons of different types of milk
By Sulogna Mehta Published on 15 April 2023 4:00 PM IST
Hyderabad: Almost all children consume milk first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It doesn’t matter if the milk is cow milk or buffalo milk but it is supplied from dairy cattle.
However, over the years, the concept of milk has changed. There is also a debate regarding the nutritious value of dairy milk versus plant-based or vegan milk. A wide variety of alternatives for dairy-based milk is also available in the market, including soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, etc.
Nutritionist and lifestyle educator Karishma Chawla elaborates on the pros and cons of different types of milk.
Soy Milk
Soy is a popular, and sometimes controversial ingredient, derived from soybean legume. It is a good protein source rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, fibre, and potassium. Soy is a popular replacement for dairy and/or meat in the diets of vegetarians and vegans. Although it may be considered a healthy food, not all soy products are created equal. Both fermented and unfermented soy products range in their degree of processing, from soy flour and soy protein to more traditional foods like miso, tempeh, and tofu. It’s better to avoid highly processed items such as soy cheese, soy yogurt, and imitation meats.
Almond Milk
Almonds promote heart health, lowers LDL cholesterol, support strong bones and teeth, and aid weight loss. It is an excellent source of magnesium, riboflavin, and Vitamin E and a good source of fibre, phosphorus, and protein. Almond milk is a low glycemic alternative to rice milk and doesn’t cause problems with hormone levels as soy does. It can be used in place of regular milk in recipes and baking. It also makes an excellent snack for ketogenic foods. One should purchase almond milk without the sugar and also check for any nut allergies.
Oat Milk
It is interesting to note that oat milk is not as nutritious as whole oats, hence it is enriched with nutrients. It contains beta-glucans, a soluble fibre that may help in reducing cholesterol. Oats can sometimes cause bloating and flatulence, hence it is advisable to check for individual tolerance.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is a wonderful alternative to pasteurized cow’s milk or to rice, almond, soy, or other plant-based milk. It comes from the flesh of mature brown coconuts. It is used in many cuisines. Coconut milk is a great source of medium-chain fatty acids, an easy source of immediate energy along with nutrients. Coconut is known to reduce inflammation and help build immunity. One should check for allergies though.
Goat Milk
Goat milk is more similar to human breast milk and therefore some theorise that it is a better alternative for human consumption. The protein content in goat milk is however less than that found in cow milk. It contains nutrients such as potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamin A. Goat’s milk may also act as a pre-biotic and help maintain gut health by encouraging the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
Cow Milk
Naturally enriched in protein, fat, carbohydrates, various vitamins (Vitamin A, D, E, B12), and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, cow milk is considered a wholesome and highly nutritious drink. From improving bone and heart health to boosting immunity, memory, and cognitive ability, cow milk, especially low-fat, toned, and skimmed milk (not full-fat ones) is highly beneficial for health. Nutritionist Anjali Dange, founder and executive director of Starlite Nutrition Centre, says, “Since the composition of cow milk is very close to human breast milk, it is definitely a better option for consumption for children as well as adults unless the person has lactose intolerance or is allergic to milk.”