You Searched For "Hyderabad ED"

Rs 300 Cr mining scam: How advocate V Ravikrishnas complaint prompted ED to raid BRS  Patancheru MLA Gudem Mahipal Reddy
Rs 300 Cr mining scam: How advocate V Ravikrishna's complaint prompted ED to raid BRS Patancheru MLA Gudem Mahipal Reddy

There are also allegations that 36 mining and crusher companies are operating in the Patancheru constituency by violating the laws and fundamental...

By Coreena Suares  Published on 20 Jun 2024 5:46 AM GMT

BS-IV vehicle scam: Hyderabad ED complaint against 17 accused for money laundering
BS-IV vehicle scam: Hyderabad ED complaint against 17 accused for money laundering

Most of these vehicles were utilised by them in their transport business by plying them as BS-IV vehicles

By Newsmeter Network  Published on 14 May 2024 2:00 PM GMT

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