
Dheeshma Puzhakkal heads the fact check team at NewsMeter. Commencing her career as a tech writer in 2018, she transitioned into journalism in 2019 as a multimedia journalist with NewsMeter. In 2020, she joined India Today, where she advanced to the position of Principal Correspondent within the organisation's fact check team. Dheeshma specialises in analysing maps and satellite imagery, and gathering open-source intelligence for investigative journalism. Her reporting extends across diverse domains, including health, consumer affairs, data, politics, and law enforcement agencies. Throughout her career, Dheeshma has proven herself as a seasoned fact-checker, delving into misinformation surrounding various topics, including elections, cross-border conflicts, and communalism. Her contributions have earned recognition, with Members of Parliament, ministers, and embassies acknowledging and sharing her findings.


    Lockdown hit livelihood of 65% of elderly in India: Survey
    Lockdown hit livelihood of 65% of elderly in India: Survey

    Hyderabad: The Covid-induced lockdown has impacted the livelihood of at least 65 per cent of the elderly in India, says a survey report conducted...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 17 Jun 2020 1:36 PM IST

    COVID fear: Talab Katta women neglected by Hyd hospitals; dies 40 days after delivery
    COVID fear: Talab Katta women neglected by Hyd hospitals; dies 40 days after delivery

    Hyderabad: Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Telangana, several stories are coming out where patients are forced to move from pillar to post for...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 16 Jun 2020 4:27 PM IST

    Satellite images reveal Gopanpally residential complexes encroached Komati Kunta Lake
    Satellite images reveal Gopanpally residential complexes encroached Komati Kunta Lake

    Hyderabad: Satellite images have revealed that residential complexes have encroached Komati Kunta Lake (HMDA ID 3747) at Gopanpally area of...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 16 Jun 2020 12:01 PM IST

    College authorities forcing us to sign petition seeking exams to be held as per schedule: PG doctors
    College authorities forcing us to sign petition seeking exams to be held as per schedule: PG doctors

    Hyderabad: Amidst the growing demand for postponement of PG final year examinations, scheduled from June 20, the junior doctors alleged that a few...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 15 Jun 2020 3:47 PM IST

    Not testing pre-operative patients in Telangana led to surge in COVID-19 cases among surgeons: Doctors
    Not testing pre-operative patients in Telangana led to surge in COVID-19 cases among surgeons: Doctors

    Hyderabad: On March 20,the director of medical education, Telangana, in an order issued to all the medical colleges and tertiary care hospitals...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 14 Jun 2020 11:17 AM IST

    Shops, apartments not operating STPs, likely to pose threat during pandemic
    Shops, apartments not operating STPs, likely to pose threat during pandemic

    Hyderabad: Sanitation and hygiene have gained significance amid the Covid-19 pandemic. However, in Hyderabad city, which has been witnessing a spike...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 14 Jun 2020 11:03 AM IST

    Two PG docs who appeared for theory exam at NIMS test Covid +Ve
    Two PG docs who appeared for theory exam at NIMS test Covid +Ve

    Hyderabad: Two among 65 post graduate doctors from Nizamā€™s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) who sat for final year examination have been tested...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 13 Jun 2020 6:23 PM IST

    Gandhi hospital in trouble after deceased COVID patientā€™s body goes missing
    Gandhi hospital in trouble after deceased COVID patientā€™s body goes missing

    Hyderabad: Trouble is mounting for Gandhi Hospital administration after a family of a 35-year-old man, who succumbed to Covid-19 on June 10, alleged...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 11 Jun 2020 12:09 PM IST

    Overflowing washrooms, dirty linens, no bed spaces: Gandhi hospital COVID wards resemble dump yard
    Overflowing washrooms, dirty linens, no bed spaces: Gandhi hospital COVID wards resemble dump yard

    Santhosh (name changed) shudders with fear whenever he recalls the night he had to plead for a bed in ICU for his elderly wheel-chair borne mother who...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 10 Jun 2020 4:39 PM IST

    Safety and hygiene feeā€™: Salon exploits COVID 19 to loot customer in Chennai
    'Safety and hygiene feeā€™: Salon exploits COVID 19 to loot customer in Chennai

    Hyderabad: Seemingly exploiting the COVID 19 situation, 'Naturals', a hair and beauty salon with branches across the country has charged a customer Rs...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 9 Jun 2020 10:56 AM IST

    Electric shock: Vacant house in Khajaguda issued 8 K bill
    Electric shock: Vacant house in Khajaguda issued 8 K bill

    Hyderabad:Hyderabad: Jaya Aditya Reddy's house in Khajaguda has been locked and vacant for three months. So, he was surprised when on 8 June he...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 8 Jun 2020 7:18 PM IST

    Fact check: Ramakrishna hospital has neither been sealed nor has its staff tested positive for COVID 19
    Fact check: Ramakrishna hospital has neither been sealed nor has its staff tested positive for COVID 19

    Hyderabad: A message is going viral on WhatsApp groups with a claim that a private hospital in Hyderabad has been shut after its staff tested...

    By Dheeshma  Published on 8 Jun 2020 12:21 PM IST

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