Fact Check: No, Coronavirus does not spread through frozen food

By Satya Priya BN
Published on : 28 Jan 2020 2:39 PM IST

Fact Check: No, Coronavirus does not spread through frozen food

Hyderabad: The outbreak of the Corona virus in China has created panic all over the world. The deadly virus is believed to have originated in a Wuhan food market and continues to spark global concern, therefore giving scope to false claims of its cure.

One such claim that is being circulated on Whatsapp is that 'DO not eat or drink anything that is Frozen, like Ice creams, Kulfi, Cold drinks. Cooked food past 48 hours should not be eaten.'

coronavirus frozen food whatsapp message

Another message, which is going around in the social media, is 'Most Urgent, Very Serious, Important information

The message says :"Ministry of Health's emergency notification to the public-the Corona virus influenza outbreak this time is very, very serious & fatal. There's no cure once you are infected.

It's spreading from China to various countries

Prevention method is to keep your throat moist, do not let your throat dry up. Thus do not hold your thirst because once your membrane in your throat is dried, the virus will invade into your body within 10 mins.

Drink 50-80cc warm water, 30-50cc for kids, according to age. Every time u feel your throat is dry, do not wait, keep water in hand. Do not drink plenty at one time as it doesn't help, instead continue to keep throat moist.

Till end of March 2020, do not go to crowded places, wear mask as needed especially in train or public transportation Avoid fried or spicy food and load up vitamin C.

The symptoms/ description are

1.repeated high fever

2.prolonged coughing after fever

3.Children are prone

4.Adults usually feel uneasy,*headache and mainly respiratory related

5: highly contagious

Pls share if you care for human life! '

This message is being circulated on other platforms of social media like Facebook too.

Coronavirus does not spread through frozen food fact check

Fact Check:

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) experts, the spread of Corona virus is through bats and snakes. So the claim that frozen foods should be avoided to beat the virus is FALSE. Corona virus does not spread through frozen food.

The second claim about Ministry of Health's advisory on thirst is also FALSE. The Ministry has NOT release any such advisory. It has only released travel advisory to China and guidelines to health care providers to check on patients.

The Corona virus is a very new virus. Many of its elements are yet to be known. The symptoms are known, but the treatment measures are still evolving.

So, the Ministry has released only prevention and precautionary methods such as maintaining personal hygiene, wearing masks, and avoiding contact with people who are ill and cooking meat or eggs thoroughly

The Ministry has also released a helpline number (91-11-23978046) in reference to passengers, who have travelled to or are from China after January 1.

Corona virus is air-borne and spreads like any other flu or cold viruses. The symptoms are similar to any other upper-respiratory infection, including runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever. In most cases, you won't know whether it is corona or a cold-causing virus.

FOr more details, Please visit


This virus has originated in China and there are NO reported cases of this virus in India so far. Hence, unnecessary panic should be prevented although preventive measures are advised.

So, both the claims are FALSE.

Claim Review:Coronavirus does not spread through frozen food
Claimed By:Social Media Users
Claim Reviewed By:NewsMeter
Claim Source:Social Media
Claim Fact Check:False
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