Fact Check: Twitter posts saying Geelani was conferred the highest civilian award of Pakistan are MISLEADING
By Sumit Jha
Hyderabad: Last month, Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani resigned as the de-facto chief of Hurriyat Conference. On July 28, a news report was published on several Indian news websites that "Pakistan gives Nishan-e-Pakistan award to Kashmiri radical Syed Ali Shah Geelani".
Many websites have published the story citing he was conferred with the highest civilian award of Pakistan.
"Pakistan gives Nishan-e-Pakistan award to Kashmiri radical Islamist Syed Ali Shah Geelani, wants his 'struggles' included in the school curriculum," said a Twitter user Rajib Bagchi upon sharing the link of the above article.
Pakistan gives Nishan-e-Pakistan award to Kashmiri radical Islamist Syed Ali Shah Geelani, wants his 'struggles' included in school curriculumhttps://t.co/XGLePaAwZI
ā Rajib Bagchi (@Rajibbagchi6) July 29, 2020
Another Twitter user, Shahid Kamran, wrote "Pakistan Senate confers highest civilian award Nishan-e-Pakistan to Syed Ali Shah Geelani: News"
Pakistan Senate confers highest civilian award Nishane Pakistan to Syed Ali Shah Geelani:News pic.twitter.com/2LrD6Q00ZK
ā Shahid Imran (@shahidimrankc) July 29, 2020
While Major General G.D. Bakshi also wrote on Twitter: "The truth can't be hidden for long that traitor Geelani has been given Pakistan's highest civilian award for services rendered. Why doesn't he go to his paradise in Pakistan"
The truth cant be hiddenfor long that traitor Geelani Has been given Pakistan's highest civilian Award for services rendered. Why doesent he Go to his paradise in Pakistan
ā Maj Gen (Dr)GD Bakshi SM,VSM(retd) (@GeneralBakshi) July 28, 2020
Fact Check:
The claims that "Pakistan gives" or "confers" or "Geelani has been given" shared by Twitter users are misleading.
In an article published by Pakistan news website Tribune, it said: "the Senate passed a resolution lauding the selfless and relentless struggle and sacrifices of Kashmiri leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani."
The official Twitter handle of Senate of Pakistan said: "Unanimous resolution lauding the services and struggles of Syed Ali Shah Geelani and acknowledging his role was passed by the House." The resolution has been passed by the senate of Pakistan to confer Syed Ali Shah Geelani.
According to the report published by The Print, "Pakistan plans to announce the award for Geelani around August 5, the anniversary of the scrapping of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the erstwhile state into two union territories ā J&K and Ladakh."
"A formal announcement will be made soon. This was being discussed for some time now in Pakistan," a diplomatic source told The Print, requesting anonymity.
Though Pakistan has plans to give award to Geelani, it is yet to be decided. The announcement is scheduled to be made on August 5, 2020.
Therefore, the claim that Pakistan has conferred/given the highest civilian award to Syed Ali Shah Geelani is MISLEADING.
The Senate of Pakistan has passed the resolution. The Pakistan government is yet to announce formally.