Robin Zaccheus

Robin Zaccheus is working in a private company as a Manager. As a social worker & Activist, he voices out issues that impact the most to common man, Be it corruption and injustice or basic rights to the people of Telangana. He does his bit for a better society as a responsible citizen.

    Robin Zaccheus

    When will Telangana government wake up to traffic mess at RK Puram flyover?
    When will Telangana government wake up to traffic mess at RK Puram flyover?

    Therefore, I urge KTR to expeditiously take up the pending works of Road from ECIL X to Trimulgherry X under SRDP Phase 4. I also urge him to take up...

    By Robin Zaccheus  Published on 2 Nov 2021 9:30 AM IST

    Division 136:  TRS Corporator under fire for unfulfilled promises
    Division 136: TRS Corporator under fire for unfulfilled promises

    Neredmet, a place where politics is ardent in all age groups right from teenagers to senior citizens. During my morning walk today, I heard the Local...

    By Robin Zaccheus  Published on 27 Nov 2020 12:42 PM IST

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